ArchiveDecember 2020

You’re Missing Your Best Ideas


Kate Mills’s job is to assess ideas. As an editor at Orion Publishing, she receives fiction manuscripts sent to her by literary agents and determines whether a market will buy them. The authors believe that they have created something that other people will enjoy reading. Their agents believe that they’re representing a winner. Kate Mills, like other editors has to decide whether they’re right...

The Rise and Rise of the Virtual Influencer


Grime’s gestation lasted more than a year. In November 2018, the Canadian techno star registered a Twitter account called WarNymph. It wasn’t until January 2020, though, that the account received a matching Instagram stream and its first post. WarNymph, the world learned, was a winged baby with pixie ears and a bow and arrow. She grew up quickly. A few weeks after recording a message predicting...

Scaling Your Business Without VC Funds


In a 2018 interview with Recode, Moiz Ali, founder of deodorant start-up Native, described how out-of-place he felt at Silicon Valley parties. Entrepreneurs, he said, would talk about how many people they had employed and how quickly they were adding staff. Ali’s small company consisted of just him. “In Silicon Valley, it’s often embarrassing when you haven’t raised money,” he told the magazine...

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